作者: Fansi 共同創辦人 葉向林

Sharing mental models I’ve learned in the crypto space starting this new year.

新的一年開始分享幾年在 Crypto & NFT圈裡體會到或聽到的心智模型。

ETH is on track to become the best monetary asset the world has ever seen. The fixed supply 21 million cap of Bitcoin is not the optimal system to maximize value and network security—Ethereum’s approach is better.

ETH 正在成為世界上最好的貨幣資產,BTC 的 2100 萬發行上限並不是最大化價值與協定安全的最佳作法,以太坊的作法更好。

Blockchains are trust computers and cryptography not only makes them possible but also sets the processing limits of these computers. Cryptography breakthroughs are the only things that actually scale blockchains—everything else is a hack.


What we’re really constructing are systems for social coordination. And the output of these systems is the scarcest resource of all: legitimacy.

在人們腦袋中合理正當的,才是有價值的,這是以太幣大過它的硬分叉的原因,也是由原創作者發行的 Neon Cat NFT 值 300 ETH 的原因,擁有正當性的區塊鏈科技比容易規模化或速度快的區塊鏈更重要。

Decentralization is an adaptation strategy and it will outcompete centralized strategies.
Why? Because modular chains easily outscale monolithic chains and modular chains only scale with decentralization. Modular chains invert the scalability trilemma.


The internet is our new communication technology and crypto is our new ledger. We’re at the beginning of a new renaissance brought on by crypto.

區塊鏈科技讓所有人成為自己的銀行,歷史上的文藝復興帶出公司制度,區塊鏈的科技可能帶出 DAO 的治理制度。
